Zebra OneCare Services that provide high visibility and availability across your Zebra solution
Zebra OneCare Select DS3678 3yr Comp+Comm+Dash
Zebra OneCare Service Select DS3678 3 YRS COMP w/ commissioning and dashboard,
Zebra OneCare Select
Need a higher level of care? Zebra OneCare Select service delivers more capabilities. If a device needs repair, we ship out a replacement as soon as
you notify us and prior to receiving the broken unit. We’ll even commission your mobile computer so it’s ready to use on arrival. No matter what time
of the day or night you have a problem, our experts are ready to help. Select service provides a technical support help desk with 24×7 availability.
Want visibility to better manage assets within your environment? Our cloud-based visibility service option, powered by our Asset Visibility Platform,
provides the location, condition, health, usage patterns and repair history of your device to enhance overall productivity within your business.
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