Elo Ids Computer Mod IDS-01 APQ8064 2GB 16GB AD4
The Elo Interactive Digital Signage (IDS) touch platform featuring the powerful Qualcomm? Snapdragon? APQ8064 CPU provides the performance needed to manage demanding, media-rich interactive software applications while enabling omnichannel consistency when coupled with EloView. Together, they allow customers to securely leverage existing online and mobile digital content with minimal investment and development time.
Centralized management and security capabilities of Qualcomm Snapdragon ensures compatibility with a variety of content management servers and web-based consoles for uninterrupted connectivity with the internet, applications, digital marketing, interactive whiteboard, building directory, virtual receptionist, and point of information (POI) applications. The AECM can also support optimal partitioning of locally cached and network stored content, allowing developers to monitor and deploy content via device-to-device or web connections.
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